Our next stop being Nice, Brad and I were excited for a new country …but a little nervous that neither of us know ANY French! We found some last minute couchsurfers just outside of Nice in a cute town called Antibes! Kasey was an American from Pennsylvania, and her boyfriend Barack from Israel! They were both really easy to talk to…it was nice not having to speak broken English!
Our first night we all went into the town together…grabbed some food and admired all the MASSIVE yachts whose owners are too wealthy
for their own good!
The next day we decided to hang around in Antibes. The beach there is actually sand (unlike Nice) and apparently not so crowded. Except…it was SO crowded! Not what i am used to…so spoiled in Perth! And unfortunately…the water was quite dirty…although it still felt really nice to swim in once we got past all the crap!
That night, kasey’s friend that went to Auburn was visiting and we all cooked together! Mango lime fish with rice and broccoli salad. We stayed up really late chatting and barack missed his French class the next morning whooops! SORRY! We had to leave the next morning but messed up our Busabout times and were left with nowhere to stay. We found some SUPER last minute couchsurfers that happened to be down the street….and the husband was in the SAME French class as Barack! This couple were both Turkish and super
super accommodating and friendly! We wished we could have spent more time with them!
That afternoon Brad and I went into Nice. The Jazz festival was going on, so we walked around for a while enjoying the abundance of buskers and small performances!

Nice Jazz festival!
The beach was absolutely beautiful! The water was much cleaner AND there were waves! Although…the beach was very rocky! We decided to grab some cheap beers and sit on the boardwalk while the sun went down! We got beers with tequila in them…which turned out to be really good…AND we saw a man riding his bike down the boardwalk with a dog sitting on his back! Good day! We walked around endlessly looking for some Crepes….savoury not sweet…didn’t have any luck…but settled for delicious burgers instead! When we wanted to go back to Antibes…we just missed the 10:30 train and had to wait until after midnight to catch the next one! Ufuk WAITED up for us to pick us up from the station! AH felt sooo bad!
SO unfortunately we didn’t make it to Monaco and Nice … although beautiful…wasn’t our favorite city as broke travelers! It is definitely a place for the rich and famous! In that case…we’ll be back
in a few years haha
Ahhh we just missed you guys in the Nice, Antibes area! We were leaving and you were arriving more or less sooooo when will our paths meet again? Time will tell! We are certainly looking forward to it! So off to through tomatoes.?? Hugs Mahima and Kai